Recommended Reading for Parents

General Child Care:
- Caring for Your Baby and Young Child: Birth to Age 5
- Caring for Your School Age Child: Ages 5 to 12
- Caring for Your Adolescent: Ages 12 to 21
- The Baby Book, by William Sears, MD
- Your Child Birth to Five, by Penelope Leach
- Your Child’s Health, by Baron Schmitt, MD
- What to Expect the First Year, by Arlene Eisenberg, Heidi E. Murkoff, Sandee Hathaway, BSN
- Guide to Your Child’s Symptoms, by Donald Schiff, MD
- Baby 411, by Ari Brown, MD
- Infants and Mothers, by T. Berry Brazelton, MD
- Toddlers and Parents, by T. Berry Brazelton, MD
- The Breastfeeding Answer Book, by Jack Newman, MD
- Breastfeeding Made Simple: Seven Natural Laws for Nursing Mothers, by Nancy Mohrbacher, IBCLC
- The Nursing Mother’s Companion, by Kathleen Huggins, RNMS
- Nursing Your Baby, by Karen Pryor
- The Everything Baby’s First Food Book, by Janet Nathan Tarlov
- Healthy Sleep Habits, Happy Child, by Marc Weissbluth, MD
- Solve Your Child’s Sleep Problems, by Richard Ferber, MD
- Goodnight, Sleep Tight, by Kim West
- The No-cry Sleep Solution, by Elizabeth Pantley, William Sears
Discipline & Communication:
- Positive Discipline, by Jane Nelsen, Ed.D.
- How to Talk So Kids Will Listen and Listen So Kids Will Talk, by Faber and Mazlish
- Parent Effectiveness Training, by Thomas Gordon
- Without Spanking or Spoiling, by Elizabeth Crary
- How to Parent, by Fitzhugh Dodson
- How to Discipline with Love, by Fitzhugh Dodson
- S.O.S. Help for Parents, by Lynn Clark, Ph.D.
- S.O.S. Help for emotions, by Lynn Clark, Ph.D.
- Your Child’s Self Esteem, by Dorothy Briggs
- Teenage Body Book, by Kathy McCoy/Charles Wibbelsman, MD
- Between Parent and Teenager, by Hyam Ginot
- Positive Discipline for Teenagers, by Jane Nelsen, Ed.D.
- Guide to Buying for Babies, by Consumer Reports
- The Magic Years, by Selma Fraiberg
- The Mother’s Almanac, by Marguerite Kelly/Eliz Parosn
- A Sigh of Relief, by Marin I. Green
- The Read-Aloud Handbook, by Jim Trelease